
Plugins für Dods
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Postby Andi67 » Fri 20. Sep 2019, 21:32

Another awesome plugins by Feuersturm !!!!
Play hard ! Cool feature and great fun !

// ======
// CVARs:
// ------
dod_closecombat_source <1/2/3/0> = set CloseCombat Weapons
1 = Melee only (Knife/Spade)
2 = Pistols only (Colt/P38)
3 = Melee & Pistols
0 = disabled

dod_closecombat_sounds <1/0> = enable/disable using sounds for headshots, melee kills and announcement
dod_closecombat_announce <1/0> = enable/disable displaying a hint message about the CloseCombat setup for spawning players
dod_closecombat_pistolclips <#> = set amount of clips to hand out for the pistol
dod_closecombat_meleebonushp <#/0> = set amount of health points to add for melee kills.. 0 = disable
dod_closecombat_headshotbonushp <#/0> = set amount of health points to add for pistol headshots.. 0 = disable
dod_closecombat_glowplayers <1/0> = enable/disable making players glow in their team's color
dod_closecombat_fraggrenades <#/0> = set number of frag grenades to give to each player.. 0 to disable fraggrenades!
dod_closecombat_smokegrenades <#/0> = set number of smoke grenades to give to each player..0 to disable smokegrenades!
(15.49 KiB) Downloaded 1787 times

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